Stage Two
Pre-Treatment Intake Feedback
Following the comprehensive intake, parents/caregivers and the youth will meet with the EDP team to review the diagnosis, recommendations and treatment plan.
1. Assessment Feedback
Assessment Feedback for parents/caregivers and youth with our Paediatrician and a member from the psychology team (60 minutes):
During this meeting, the Paediatrician will review with the family the
diagnosis and treatment recommendations specific to the youth and their
family context.
2. Caregiver EDP Liaison Meeting
Caregiver EDP Liaison Meeting (60 minutes; optional for caregivers of
those under 18; required for those 18+ where parents are living with the youth):
During this meeting, parents, separate from the youth, will meet with the lead of our Eating Disorder Program to receive information on the treatment approach, ask questions independently, gather skills to more confidently navigate barriers for recovery, manage difficult emotions, and reinforce recovery between sessions.
Research consistently demonstrates that positive parental/caregiver involvement in recovery significantly enhances treatment success for children, youth and young adults. Further information about how we further involve and support parents throughout the remainder of treatment is outlined below in adjunct treatment options.
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